Faced with a digital media project that required more software and hardware resources than he had, ETSU graduate student Matthew Rossetti took advantage of Create Appalachia’s student trial membership that provided him with ten free days at the new Johnson City Center for Art and Technology (JCAAT).

“I was working on a project that required a computer capable of doing heavy motion graphics work, as well as edit 4K content,” Matthew explains. “So I needed a space that could help me produce the work, as well as provide the editing software to create graphics and edit some long form video.”

JCAAT offered Matthew access to a dedicated work station fully equipped with high performance computers, a powerful suite of video editing software, and Wi-Fi connectivity.

“The Center is only a few minutes from my house,” Matthew says. “So, being able to use computers and software that could render motion graphics without breaking a sweat, really smoothed out my workflow. I was able to finish everything in seven days.”
To learn more about CA’s student trial membership, click here!



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